How to Pull a Successful All-Nighter
I’m pretty sure every college has the same urban legend: you know, the one about the guy who stays up all night studying, surviving exclusively on Red Bull and Sour Patch Kids, only to miss his exam the following morning because he passes out on his way to class and winds up at the ER with a concussion. Okay, this might be a bit of a worst case scenario, but the reality is: at some point in college, you’ll inevitably be forced to stay up studying way into the early hours of the morning. And, if you’re going to put yourself through that, you might as well make sure you’re setting yourself up for success. Here are our top tips for pulling an all-nighter:
Get At Least Some Sleep
Whether it’s at night right before you start studying or earlier that day, try to get a 30 – 60 minute nap in so you’re not totally running on empty. And if you start dozing off while studying? Take a quick nap to get yourself a boost. But, be sure to set more than enough alarms on your phone so you’ll actually wake up.
More Caffeine Isn’t Always the Answer
Even though your first instinct may be to hit up Starbucks to prep for your all-nighter, it’s actually better to start by drinking plenty of ice water. More caffeine will only cause a bigger crash in the end and cause you to be super dehydrated. Save the coffee and energy drinks for when you do inevitably crash (and then switch back to water).
Late Night Food Delivery
Whatever snacks you choose, you want to stay away from pure sugar. Aim for food with a balance of protein and carbs to keep your energy level stable (i.e. you officially have permission to order pizza).
Your Surroundings Matter
Keeping the lights bright and the temperature down will help keep you awake. Just make sure you’ve got a good jacket or blanket with you so that you’re still able to concentrate.
Turn the TV Off (and get off Instagram)
If you’re going to stay up late and study, you need to, well, actually study. Limiting distractions will help you stay focused and get the most out of your all-nighter. And yes, even just having Law & Order: SVU reruns playing for “background noise” will distract you.
But Most Importantly: Don’t Do it Too Often!
Pulling frequent all-nighters and having an irregular sleep schedule causes not only an increased risk for long term mental health problems but an immediate increase in risk for addiction and impulsive behavior as well. So save all-nighters for when you have absolutely no other choice.
Study hard and good luck!
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