Internship Advice – College Suitcase

Getting an internship is a vital (and intimidating!) milestone is any college student’s life. To make it less scary, we’ve rounded up the best advice from our college writers so you can rock your internship!

Figure out What You Enjoy.

“Always remember that internships don’t just build your resume, they help you figure out what you enjoy and what you want to do post-grad. I had almost 10 different internships across variety of industries, but that really helped me nail down what I wanted to do and gave me direction on which careers to pursue.”

Cami, TCU

Have Passion.

“Passion is very important, if you want to have a career versus just a job and a paycheck. Being passionate and excited about your work will make it easier and more enjoyable.”

Mari, UT

Ask Questions.

“Ask questions! There’s really no stupid question. Soak up as much information as you can throughout the process.”

Britton, Texas A&M


“Your internship is the strongest networking opportunity you’ll get in college. Don’t underestimate the power of networking because finding a job without it is difficult.”

Katie, TCU

Be Punctual.

“Always, always, always be on time. Punctuality is essential. And talk to everyone! You’d be surprised what you can learn through a single conversation.”

Cameron, UT Tyler

Reflect on Your Experience.

“Make sure to take time to reflect on your experience and notice how it coordinates with what you’re learning in class. That connection is essential getting the most out of your internship.”

Jackie, Texas State

Find a Similar Field.

“Always take SOME internship even if you can’t find one in your field. Try to find one in a similar field because the work experience will boost your resume and give you a new insight on the workforce.”

Grace, Baylor

Learn what you Don’t Want.

“Sometimes, learning what you DON’T want to do is just as important as learning what you DO want to do. So if you’re unhappy at your internship—don’t sweat it. Identify what you don’t like about it and use that information in your future job search.”

Blake, Rice University

Research, Research, Research!

“Do some research before your first day. You should be familiar with the company before you even begin.”

Nichole, UNT

Write it Down.

“The amount of information you receive at first can be overwhelming, so keep a journal of what you’re learning. Write down questions, tips and notes. This will be a great reference for when you start your first job.”

Xavier, TJC

Check your Resources.

“Utilize your on-campus tools. Check with your university to see what tools they have for resumes, cover letters and job searching. This can help you score an internship as well as update your resume once the internship is over.”

Brynn, St. Mary’s

Go Above & Beyond

“Go above & beyond what you’re asked. Go just one step above your tasks and you’ll stand out in a big way. ALWAYS meet your deadlines and ask for feedback.”

Allen, TVCC

Here are some more tips from our editors:

  • Interview over the winter holidays for a summer internship.
  • Suck it up and use your parents’ contacts. Everybody else is doing it.
  • Make sure your friends know you’re looking—sometimes they can pass on a good deal.